As we've heard from others, Ueno would be overflowed by the Japanese during the sakura and cherry blossom season. It was on the Msia newspaper too. Though it's not spring season now, but we still can enjoy the autumn view ma.
Outside of the zoo it's the Ueno Onshi Park, The scenery is so beautiful~ But too bad, the sky is gloomy again.
I always like to go to zoo, I like animals ma. ;p After buying the tickets we realised we can get a discount of 120yen per person by just displaying the catalogue we brought along with us~ Aih... too bad lar.
Beautiful birds! Or should I say, beautiful photos~ Looks very professional huh?
This is my favourite. Forgot to insert in last night. Hehe..
If I'm not wrong, this is Black-tailed Prairie Dog. Hmm... Why 'dog'? beats me! Superbly cute! Just like my hamsters. Haha... But many times bigger than my hamster. Very fat and chubby~ I hope I'm not going to become like that!
Pallas's Cat -- I wonder is it the guy called Pallas found this cat? It really looks like tiger!
Cuties! The background picture, Is it used to 'cheat' the rats that they are staying in a big wide field? Haha... This birdy has an interesting name! Guess what it is? It's called Secretary Bird!
I just don't see which part of it looks like a secretary!
Super Duper Bumper fat and heavy hippo! It was called to take lunch, so we saw it came out from the water and was taking it's sweet time walking even slower than 90 years old man. Man that's walking with hundred kilograms! I was looking for information whether they state the Hippo's weight but no, so I don't know how heavy it is, but I'm sure it's few hundred kg! See that man? This hippo is almost the height of an adult. Ok lar, someone just told me hippo's is count by thousand kg, not hundreds. So, this hippo is equals to a hundred people's weight?
Something went wrong with me laptop... or maybe just my PowerPoint? I don't know. But one thing is confirmed, there's Trojan virus, and I'm scanning the laptop now. ah, the point is, when I was trying to edit photos in the PowerPoint, the colour went crazy. But the effect of this two gorilla is coincidentally nice, so I just bear with it lar.
left: It's chilling cold!
right: (checking at his foot) hmm... this looks yummy, can I eat?
This Galapagos tortoise is enormous!
1 -- At first I thought this penguin is on guard for the female one in the nest!
2 -- Then I noticed this penguin swimming back with the leave~
3 -- I was wondering...
4 -- OOOoooh~ It's for the mama penguin in the nest! Hmm.. What is that third party doing there, kepo kepo then?
I bet you should be familiar with this species of penguin if you have watched Happy Feet. Last time I thought it's just a cartoon character! It does look very much like the one in Happy Feet. Hehe..
Emperor Penguin are the largest penguins. They look so smart!
This owl doesn't have any special look, but a special name --- Malay Eagle Owl. Hehehehe...
There are a lot more.. But since I was informed that it's taking time to load the page as there are too many photos, so I'm not gonna put a lot here lor..
Please visit http://picasaweb.google.com/alvinlms/UenoJapan for more... But that is also part of the photos only. Hehe..
There are many museums in Ueno.. We passed by This National Museum of Western Art. But people like us, don't have any sense of art, so we just took some photos outside instead. At least we've 'passed by'.. ;p
Before departing for Akihabara, Alvin's most eager-to-go place, we took a quick glance at this Ameyoko street, which is famous for stores containing clothes, miscellaneous goods, fresh fish and dried food.
Not much to see, I mean for people like us.. ;) We are not going to cook in Tokyo, and stuff there are not cheap.. at least for us. Just these clothing are quite interesting... I wonder who will wear these... But they are very expensive oh!
Ok... Finally we are in Akihabara, an area with the most advanced electric products. Most of the employees in Akihabara are fluent in several languages, therefore customers can easily purchase overseas models and products.
We saw few young girls wearing in maid costume -- just like what we saw in Hiroshima University Festival -- doing promotions for their shops. No... I will never do that.
For people like me there's nothing interesting in Akihabara la~ But for Alvin it's like 'heaven'~ Haha... We went few shops and also those bigger stores, then he found this 'treasure' in Sofmap... Great offer for this Nikon D40X together with two lens.. It's like half of the price you can find in market. Well I don't really know about these stuff but I just know --- I'm upgraded to his Canon S5 IS~ Kakakaka...
No more running out of battery and memory (he got 2GB memory card man, mine is only 512MB!), no more lousy focus, better colour and better close up... OOOoooo, that's the only good news I heard so I don't mind adding another camera~ Kekeke...
But my Olympus FE-190 is not bad also.. The biggest advantage it has is light, slim and easy to carry. I like to snap photos everywhere, can't be possible to bring the heavy camera everywhere. Sounds crazy for two person taking 3 cameras huh~ But I think this photographing hobby is good what. I have more good photos then. Hehehe...
The only bad thing is why this doesn't happen before we go to Disneyland and the zoo... I missed out lots of shots as my camera ran out of battery and memory so fast~ haiz
hehe.. the animals are ridiculously adorable... *pinch* them..
i think i'd love to work in a zoo or pet shop. kekeke.. Then hug them everyday.... not the tiger/lion/elephant of course!
He he he .. that maid costume, reminds me of those notty japanese anime we used to have .. LOL!
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