After attending mass we went shopping at the department stores which we’ll pass by on our way back. We found another 100 yen shop --- Daiso, which is few times bigger than the one we have in YouMeTown. There are a lot to explore in there, and at least things here are more affordable for us. I like the cute little stuffs here.
I found these ‘pet’s houses’ here, or maybe I should say pet's 'beds'? haha.. I’m not sure whether we have this in Msia. But pets here are so lucky, they have such comfortable home to sleep in. Pet lovers, want one? I don't need one, as I'm going to keep hamsters, which you can't keep them in these 'beds'. ;p
You know when Christmas is near..
And Halloween...
wah... i wanna be there for christmas... where its snowing
hmm... it's not a guarantee that it'll snow.. and its not a guarantee that i'd survive the freezing moments...
come lar. i offer u free accomodation. hehe
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